Easy 4-Step Winter Planter IV

This cheerful winter planter has a backdrop of Chamaecyparis ‘Treasure Island’ with its feathery foliage highlighted by creamy-yellow accents. A sumptuous Lingonberry spills its edible (taste like cranberry) red berries over the planter’s edge, with Salvia ‘Tricolor’ (an edible sage for turkey stuffing) and Skimmia ‘Magic Marlot’ punctuating one side with their variegated foliage.

Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Treasure Island’ – An extremely dwarf Lawson Cypress with feathery bluish-green foliage and creamy-yellow highlights throughout the year. It tends to do best in full morning sun but should get some shade in the afternoon to avoid scorching. It was discovered in Holland and makes an excellent container specimen. Grows 18″ high by 12-15″. Z5.

Salvia officinalis ‘Tricolor’ – This edible sage makes a fine container specimen and features grey-green leaves infused with pink or purple, and edged in creamy-white. Pick mature leaves (not woody or old ones) for drying or use fresh for lamb and egg salad sandwiches. Well-drained soils are necessary for overwintering. Grows 18-24″ high and wide. Hardy to zone 6.

Vaccinium vitis-idaea – Lingonberry is a hardy evergreen sub-shrub native to much of the northern hemisphere. It features glossy rounded deep green foliage that forms dense colonies. The white to pale pink heather-like flowers are borne in summer and are followed by bright red edible berries with a distinct cranberry flavour. Grows 6-12″ high by 18-24″ wide. Hardy to zone 2.

Skimmia japonica ‘Magic Marlot’ – This shade-loving sport of Skimmia japonica ‘Marlot’ is a male cultivar with attractive silvery-white marginal variegation. The flowers buds are held through winter and shift from greenish-white to deep red as the weather cools. These open to fragrant white flower clusters in early spring. Grows 18-24″ high by 2-3′ wide. Zone 6.

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